The gift of gab
Marcia Moore had a way with words. For example, she did not like the expression “killing two birds with one stone,” so she changed it to “lighting many lamps with one circuit.” Obviously a much more positive approach, Marcia said.
Other Quotes
Growing Old
“How delightful it is to be no less than thirty three years old. I am not one of these people who objects to birthdays on general principles and when they are as pleasant as this last one I think I really wouldn’t mind having one twice a year! Among other things it has helped me to rediscover the pleasure of artichokes!”
Marcia Moore, 1961.
Bound in Conscience
“Some secrets are not meant to be revealed. An oath taken three thousand years ago may be as binding now as it was then. An ethereally beautiful woman at one of our workshops described her life on the planet Venus. On being asked her Venusian name she said, ‘I’m not supposed to tell.’”
Marcia Moore from her book Hypersentience.
“Mink-coat thinking is the old wishcraft technique of presuming that if you visualize yourself wearing a luxurious mink coat, you will eventually acquire that coveted object, regardless of whether you deserve it, or of whether fur coats are better fitted to animals than humans. Nor is the question faced as to whether such a coat will actually make you happier, more productive, more creative. One might, for example fulfill the wish by being reborn as a mink - but who wants to go that route?”
Marcia Moore from her unpublished manuscript on reincarnation, tentatively titled Memories.
“Sooner or later whatever has been taken out has to be paid back with interest.”
“I am aware that any step forward provokes resistances from so-called ‘dark forces.’”
Marcia Moore from her final published book Journeys into the Bright World.
There’s the big MM Goddess and then there’s the little Mini-Mouse personality and it’s so hard to get those two together. The Goddess she’s everything. She pours forth glowing golden abundance of love money everything. And then Mini-Mouse scuttles around and gets upset. It’s so hard to bring those two together. But by God when you do then the power comes through,”
Marcia Moore, from her book Journeys into the Bright World.
“The pictogram for Gemini depicts the door or portal leading from one state to another, its twin pillars connect heaven and earth within the consciousness of man.”
Marcia Moore from her book Astrology the Divine Science.